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Five Secrets to Creating an Amazing Lead Generation Funnel: Know, Like and Trust

Nov 30, -0001

Today's Secret: Understand the Know, Like and Trust process

Before you build your lead generation machine, you need to understand the principle of "know, like, and trust." Essentially, when you go online to build your business, no matter how amazing you and your product are, you are putting yourself out there as competition for hundreds of thousands (or even millions) of people. This means people first have to find you, then go through a progression before they purchase.

In the context of a sales funnel, the phrase "know, like, and trust" can be used to describe the phases that a potential customer goes through on their journey from being an unknown to becoming a paying customer. These stages can be broken down into three categories: know, like, and trust.


This is when the customer first becomes aware of the product or service offered at the beginning of the sales process. They are also becoming aware for the first time of who you are. They might become aware of it due to marketing or advertising initiatives, or they might hear about it via friends or coworkers who have recommended it.


As the customer moves further down the sales funnel, they begin to form opinions about the product or service and you. Your initial copy must speak to their day to day realities, and your lead magnet must offer solutions to their issue(s). For the customer, may mean conducting additional research, reading reviews, or asking questions about it. If the customer approves of everything they have seen and heard up to this point, they will proceed to the next stage. 


At the very end of the sales process, the consumer must decide whether or not they have sufficient faith in you and/or your product(s) to make a purchase. This can include looking into the company's history, thinking about how they've handled similar products or services in the past, and figuring out the pros and cons of the purchase. If the customer trusts you and your offer, they are much more likely to go through with the purchase.

Entrepreneurs like yourself can boost their chances of creating long-term connections with consumers and making successful sales if they understand the requirements and concerns of customers at each level of the sales funnel and respond appropriately to those needs and worries.

The "know, like, and trust" reality is the reason I ALWAYS encourage new online businesses to "Give, Give, Give" before they begin asking for any purchase at all. You really need to get that "like" and "trust" quotient up before you will really begin seeing sales take off. 

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